Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday errands

Today is/was a day of errands and phone calls.  I made quite a few phone calls I needed to take care of then Babybug and I hit the road.  We needed to go to the bank which is quite a bit a way since we have not switched banks since our move.  So I thought I would do a little shopping while we were out.  We went to look at babys are us such a fun store.  I bought these for making baby bugs food:
Especially for Baby Freezer Cubes 2-Pack - Especially for Baby  - Babies"R"Us
 I am really excited about trying to make some of babybug's food and I like these becouse I can make them and freeze them in these little cups then heat and serve them in the cups as well just like bottle food.  It will be very convenient on the go. 

I have a confession to admit me and the weight watchers is not going so well!  I just cannot seem to stop eating I just love food way to much!! So I keep trying one of these days I will get back on track hopefully before I get to out of control, I have rained my eating habits in a little bit but I know I have more to get under control!
I saw a neat blog post all about what was in the mailbox for the week I think I may collect my mailbox goodies for the week and share next Monday.  I don't get as much as some people but I sure do love getting things in the mail.  
Are you swagging yet?  This is a great freebie you do internet searches and earn swag bucks at random they can be exchanged for things like gift cards.  
Search & Win

Well my main goal for this afternoon is to organize my mail and pay bills, so I guess I need to get a jump start on that before babybug wakes up!

Have a blessed day!! 
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 
Jeremiah 29:11

1 comment:

  1. I love this Bible scripture! Isn't it great to be happy in our Lord Jesus!!!! God bless you and yours, mimilovesall8


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