Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wordy Wednesday

Today babybug is at her great grandma's house and I am going to get some big cleaning done!! I will be starting in the kitchen and working myself around the house.
Cleaning tip of the day: Clean everyday messes with vinegar it does a good job and is safe for the family. I bought a spray bottle and mix 1 part vinegar and 4 parts water to make my cleaning solution. I use this cleaner to clean counters, sinks, floors, and anything else I would use an all purpose cleaner for. Before I started using this I used to worry about the smell but I found out that as soon at the vinegar drys the smell leaves with it as well.

I did not do very well on my weight watchers yesterday. I stayed within my points but I spent allot of those points on junk rather then fruits and veggies and such. I am hoping to do better with the fruits and veggies today. Also I want to drink more water today- after this post I am headed to the kitchen to get a big glass of water to work on as I clean.

Yesterday I went out to town to take the trash to the dump and spend my coupon at JCPenny's. I hate taking the trash to the dump we have two big trash cans that I have to get loaded into the truck then at the dump I have to struggle to get them up over my head to dump the trash into the dumpster. Well there are always lots of guys in line around me as well as the men who work there most of the time they ignore my labored pitiful attempts to get the trash into the dumpster and occasionally I have even caught them laughing at me. But yesterday a hero arose from the crowd a very kind man watched my struggle with the first trash can and stopped loading his trash to come over and help me with the second. It was such an unexpected thing but oh how kind of him to see my need and come to my rescue!!!
Shopping was fun at JCPenny's I had my $10 off card in hand and was ready to seek out some good bargains. In the men's sections I found some nice st. Johns bay Polo shirts for the husband I chose to buy him a nice green one it feels so soft!! Then it was over to the children's section where I found some major good sales Babybug got a cute cute purple outfit with an elephant on it, it even came with a matching headband, and a shirt that says I love daddy, daddy loves me.

I put my blog on top mommy blogs. I was curious to see how that worked. Feel free to vote for my blog HERE.

Applebees is having a teacher event on June 15 teachers can eat very cheap! Check it out over at spendlessandsavemore Click here

Well I am off to Clean now everyone have a wonderful Wednesday!!


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