1. I can work from home.
2. I am able to set my own schedule and hours making it a great second job to help boost income, and those hours can change by the week as my needs change.
3. I adore meeting all students from the other side of the world.
4. Variety: I love that I teach students at all different levels of English proficiency. In the same day I may teach a student is who learning the phrase "My name is" and a student who carries on a conversation with me about their favorite hobbies.
5. No planning!! The lessons are laid out in power points. A quick look at the power points before classes start is all that is required before teaching.
If you are interested in teaching with VIPKID here is my referral code fill free to use it when applying: VICTO0058
Thanks for linking up at the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty 40! Shared ♥